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19BG20 Final Design

19BG20 Early Design

19BG20 My Laptop

19BG20 is a web site that I designed and built at the Arts Institute in Bournemouth as a portfolio. The left image is what the web site came out as, it is mainly built using Adobe Flash and is a Flash web site. Other software used is Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver. I wanted to design the web site around my laptop as I had just brought my laptop for university. In the middle of this page is one of the designs I came up with but I eventually used my laptop's interface in the design of the web site I built. Just use the site like you would a mac, using the dock at the bottom to open other pages.

Why not visit the web site by clicking here > 19BG20 Website

Best Viewed in Firefox - Adobe Flash Player & Adobe Reader Required